The home office took on a whole new meaning when the COVID-19 pandemic hit back in March 2020. It used to be a luxury to work the occasional day from home. Now it's become a tightrope exercise to find ways to separate home from office.
This blurring of boundaries has left many people with pandemic fatigue...and it looks like the home office is here to stay. Here are a few tips to find balance as you navigate a new work environment.
Create a home office space
This might be challenging. Not everyone has a separate room they can turn into a home office. But try to create a space that is used just for work, whether you transform a closet or take over a corner of the dining room.
Set a start and end time
Just because you CAN check your email first thing in the morning, after supper or before bed doesn’t mean you should. Try to create a routine and stick to it.
Choose a specific start and end time and find something or someone that will force you to finish the work day at a reasonable hour. Remember it’s alright not to answer emails until the following morning.
Make sure to take a lunch break
When we all worked in an office, there were lunch meetings, trips to the sandwich place around the corner, a lunchtime workout to boost your energy, or maybe a quick catch up with co-workers. Now many of us seem to have fallen into the trap of just eating at our desks. It’s important to take time to step away from the computer and break up the day.
Focus on the positives
There are a number of benefits to working from home and it’s important to focus on those when frustration or even isolation kick in. Don’t forget, you no longer have the long commute, you can create a flexible work schedule and you can work in comfortable clothing.
A different kind of tired
That frustration and exhaustion you might be feeling from endless work, stay-at-home orders and constant uncertainty is called pandemic fatigue. It’s OK to acknowledge that none of this has been easy and some days will be harder than others. Don't feel guilty about needing and even asking for a break.
Let’s face it, months of isolation and numerous lifestyle changes have taken a toll on all of us. Symptoms of pandemic fatigue could include difficulty concentrating, irritability or lack of motivation.
A good night’s sleep, good nutrition and routine exercise are extremely important right now. Sitting for many hours at a desk is hard on the body, so you should also take stretch breaks at your desk to work out those kinks.
The Government of Canada also has tips and resources for those working from home.