The second week of the ‘New year, new booty’ challenge is built around the lunge. This classic training staple is perfect for toning and strengthening the legs and buttocks — two of the largest muscle groups in your body.
Week 2: (3 sets of 8 to 10 reps per side)
Day 1 — Curtsy lunge
- From standing, step your left leg behind your body and to the right, allowing your thighs to cross
- Bend both knees to help lower yourself deeper into the lunge, making sure your front knee is aligned with your front ankle
- Pause briefly at the bottom of this movement before propelling yourself back to the starting position for one rep
- Complete designated amount of reps before performing the exercise on the opposite side

Day 2 — Add lateral lunge
- Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart
- Step to the left, keeping your toes pointed forwards
- Squat onto the left leg, keeping your right leg extended and your hips back
- Get as low as possible and hold the position for 2 to 3 seconds before returning to your initial standing position for one rep
- Complete designated amount of reps before performing the exercise on the opposite side

Day 3 — Add pendulum lunge
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart
- Step your right foot into a front lunge, making sure that your right knee is over your ankle as you lower your back knee to the floor
- Once your back knee dips as low as possible, drive through your front heel and propel your right foot back into a reverse lunge for one rep

Day 4 — Add jumping lunge
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Jump your left leg forward, and right leg back into a lunge with both knees bent 90 degrees
- Jump and switch legs in midair, landing with your right leg in front and your left leg behind your body — both legs bent 90 degrees for one rep

Day 5 — Add reverse lunge
- Start in a standing position
- Reach backwards with your right leg and plant your foot approximately two feet behind your front foot
- Keeping your torso upright, bend your front knee while making sure your entire foot, including the heel, is planted on the floor
- Push up to return to the starting position for one rep
- Complete designated amount of reps before performing the exercise on the opposite side

Day 6 — Add reverse lunge to front kick
- Take a large step backwards with your left foot
- Lower your hips so that your right thigh is parallel to the floor with your right knee stacked directly over your ankle
- Your left knee should be bent 90 degrees and pointing toward the floor with your heel lifted
- Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement before pressing your right heel into the floor and moving your left leg forward, swiftly kicking it out in front of your body
- Return to the starting position for one rep
- Complete all reps before alternating legs and performing the movement on the other side

Day 7 — Rest
To see the complete challenge, click HERE.