Week 1: (3 sets of 10 to 12 reps)

Day 1  Squat thrust

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Lower yourself into a squat position
  • As you reach the bottom of your squat, place your hands on the floor, kick or step your legs back into a plank position
  • Jump or step your legs back into a squat position and raise yourself back up to the starting position for one rep


Day 2 
 Add goblet squat

  • Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and hold it against your chest
  • Stand with your toes pointed slightly outwards, feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend your hips and knees and lower your body as close to the ground as possible, keeping your arms close to your chest and elbows pointed down
  • Pause at the bottom of your squat then stand back up, driving through your glutes, legs and heels for one rep


Day 3 
 Add sumo squat

  • Position your feet wider than hip-distance apart and turn your toes out 45 degrees
  • Lower yourself through the knees and hips, keeping your back straight and your core tight
  • When you reach the bottom of your squat position, your knees should not move past your toes
  • Straighten your legs and bring your hips back up to the starting position for one rep


Day 4 
 Add stability ball wall squats

  • Stand with your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart with a stability ball in between your lower back and a wall
  • Lower yourself into a sitting position while allowing the ball to move slightly down the wall
  • Pause at the bottom of your squat with your thighs parallel to the ground before slowly returning to your starting position for one rep


Day 5 
 Add pistol squat

  • Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart
  • As you descend into your squat, keep your arms extended directly in front of you for balance and extend one leg straight in front of your body
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of this movement, before straightening your leg and bringing yourself back to the starting position for one rep


Day 6 
 Add Bulgarian split squat

  • Grab a bench (or another knee-height surface) and rest your rear foot on it while extending your other leg in front of you into a forward lunge position
  • Slowly lower yourself until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, making sure that your front knee does not extend past your toes
  • Drive through the front heel to return to start position for one rep
  • Complete designated amount of reps before performing the exercise on the opposite side


Day 7  Rest

To see the complete challenge, click HERE