
Sleep for better health

Here's how sleep affects different areas of your life
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Sleep for better health
Here's how sleep affects different areas of your life
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1 | 5   Make better food choices: Studies have shown that people who are better rested have more fat loss than those who are sleep deprived. Researchers have also found that sleep deprivation affects two key hormones (ghrelin and leptin) that play key roles in appetite stimulation and appetite suppression, so you’re more likely to be hungrier if you’re tired.
2 | 5   Improve brain function and memory: Sleep is a time where the brain consolidates memories, which also contributes to being able to learn new skills. Your brain’s areas that deal with memory are active during sleep, which has led researchers to believe that sleep is an important part of the memory storage process.
3 | 5   Repair/grow muscle: Protein synthesis –which is your body’s ability to make muscle –primarily happens during rest. Additionally, sleep is when your body releases the most growth hormone, and a lack of sleep causes your body to release the stress hormone cortisol which slows down the growth hormone.
4 | 5   Sleep helps regulate hormones/mood: Not only does sleep affect your hormones associated with hunger and stress, but studies have shown that a lack of slow-wave sleep or deep sleep causes a reduction in positive mood. And sleep conditions like apnea and snoring in children can have serious behavioural and social-emotional consequences.
5 | 5   Helps your immune system function: When you’re sleeping, your body releases proteins called cytokines that are needed when your body is fighting off inflammation or infection. When you don’t get enough sleep, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced, so you’re left in a more vulnerable state. Part of our immune system actually helps control our sleep, which in turn affects how well the immune system functions.

This goes beyond forgetting your lunch bag on the counter. Having a well-rested body means having a healthy body and mind, and that could be the key to successfully accomplishing your health goals.

Here are ways getting enough sleep helps.

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