Many of us set resolutions to change our lives, improve our habits, or achieve something spectacular. We vow to hit the gym more often, eat healthier, lose weight and/or be more productive. But the unfortunate reality is that around 80 percent of resolutions fail by mid-February.

Comparing yourself to others or trying to reach impossible goals can be frustrating and often leads to failure. Resolutions are personal and if they’re going to work, they need to be based on a realistic assessment of your own goals and capabilities.

Here are 7 realistic resolutions that can be adapted for almost anyone and deliver big benefits.

Get more Zzzzs

Along with nutrition and exercise, sleep is one of the building blocks of better health. Although it can be challenging to get the recommended 7-9 hours of daily sleep, some planning and motivation can help you fit some extra shut-eye into your schedule.  If you’re an early riser, try powering down a bit earlier in the evenings to get an extra 30 minutes. Create conditions for success – dim your lights, remove electronics and treat yourself to bedding and pillows to encourage the best possible slumber. Get serious about your sleep and you’ll notice a difference in how you feel and what you can accomplish.

Try new things

Resolve to get out of your usual rut and try something new. The more we challenge ourselves to do something, the more we grow and learn. Maybe it’s applying for a new job, joining a class or learning a new skill. Find ways to literally change your story and you’ll get to know yourself better, build confidence and stimulate creativity.

Be kind to yourself

This sounds easy, but many people spend a lot of mental energy criticizing themselves and feeling inadequate. Give yourself permission to be satisfied with who you are. Recognize your strengths and all your positive qualities. Celebrate what makes you different. Spend time with people who support you and cheer you up. Do things you enjoy on a regular basis to reduce stress, improve your mental health and enjoy life more.

Connect with people

Most of us are so busy working, commuting, getting things done and posting to social media that we forget to look up and connect with the people around us. Resolve to have more conversations, call your friends and family more often, take a class, or strike up a conversation with a stranger. Studies show spending time with others is good for your mental health and can help you live longer.

Experience nature

Regular access to green space helps reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Stepping away from your desk or taking a break from chores to visit the local park is a win-win. It’s a chance to get outside and get some exercise while reconnecting with your thoughts to put things into perspective. You’ll come back feeling calmer and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

Move more

With so many of us working at desks all day and lots of opportunity to be sedentary on evenings and weekends, an effort to do more physical activity can make a huge difference. Moving more doesn’t have to be complicated. It can mean parking further away from work and walking a few extra blocks, getting up to meet with co-workers instead of emailing or calling; and scheduling regular physical activity throughout the week.

Celebrate your successes

When it comes to resolutions, the best way to stay motivated is to track and reward yourself when you make progress. Be generous and pat yourself on the back every time you do something toward your goals – whether it’s spending more time for family or walking to work one extra day a week. Acting on your intent is a positive step that deserves to be recognized. Take note of your achievements and pat yourself on the back.

The trick to resolutions is to look for things you can easily do on a regular basis to make your life better. Resolve to adopt these positive habits, be patient with yourself and you’ll soon be a resolution rock star.