Positive affirmations are mantras we tell ourselves, which describe a specific outcome we want, the life we want to live or the person we wish to be.
Affirmations can be especially helpful during difficult periods and can help us power through uncertainty, as positive thinking can greatly impact the mindset for the better. Affirmations strengthen us by helping us believe in the potential of an action we desire to manifest.
At first, these affirmations might not be true, but with constant repetition, our subconscious mind will begin to believe them. When we verbally affirm what we want for ourselves and our lives, we are empowered with a sense of reassurance and our words will become reality.
Below are 5 positive affirmations to repeat during these unprecedented times:
Today I choose to be happy

Today is a good day

You got this

I cannot control situations, only my reaction to them

I am letting go of my fears