A strong core is necessary for balance, proper posture and stability. Strengthening your centre is a vital part of any training routine and can help you perform other exercises correctly and safely.
You don't need a ton of equipment to get in an excellent core workout. This simple yet effective core workout requires no equipment and can be done practically anywhere.
Complete 2 sets of each move for 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
Jackknife crunches
- Begin laying on your back with your arms outstretched above your head and your legs extended
- Keep your legs and arms extended as you simultaneously lift your hands towards your legs and your legs up towards your chest
- Maintain a straight back as you lower your legs and arms back to the ground, stopping before your shoulders or feet touch the ground for one rep

Russian twists
- Sit on the ground with your knees bent towards your chest and your feet slightly lifted off the floor
- Clasp your hands together in front of your chest
- Rotate your arms and torso to one side and pause momentarily before returning to centre for one rep
- Be sure to keep your stomach pulled inward and the abdominals engaged throughout the duration of the movement

- Lie facedown on the floor with your arms extended in front of your body and your legs extended behind your body
- In one swift movement, engage your glutes and lower back to raise your arms, legs and chest off the floor
- Hold for a few seconds before slowly returning to the starting position for one rep

Side hip raises - both sides
- Begin on your side with your forearms flat on the floor, your bottom elbow directly under your shoulder and both legs extended
- Your feet can either be staggered for stability or stacked for more of a challenge
- Engage your core and lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from your head to your feet
- Pause at the top of this movement before lowering your hips back down to the starting position for one rep

Windshield wipers
- Lay on your back with your legs raised straight above your hips
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms upward, so that your wrists are stacked over your shoulders
- Rotate through your torso, bringing your legs to one side, stopping just before touching the floor
- Repeat on the other side for one rep

- Begin lying face up on a mat with your legs extended and your hands placed gently under your lower back
- Draw your belly button towards your spine, exhale and lift your legs slightly off the ground
- Flutter your feet quickly without touching the floor for a designated amount of time

- Start with your elbows stacked directly under your shoulders and your forearms planted securely on the floor about shoulder-width apart
- With your feet hip-distance apart, push your toes into the floor and squeeze your glutes to help stabilize your body
- Keep your neck, head and spine in a neutral position by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot in front of your hands
- Breathe deeply

- Begin laying on the floor face up with your legs extended and raised off the floor
- Clasp your hands in front of your chest and engage your core to lift your torso off the floor
- Maintain a flat back as you scissor your legs open and closed continuously for the recommended amount of reps