For Maria Moreo, it’s been a tough year. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant setbacks in her life. Through the ups and downs, fitness has been her one constant, and her time at the gym is vital to her mental wellness.
Maria is a flight attendant and longtime gym member. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, she was a member of the flight teams who worked incredibly hard to repatriate Canadians from all over the world. By the end of March that year, she was laid off because of the pandemic.
“It was an incredibly stressful time in the airline industry. I love my job and I love going to the gym. Those two activities are a big part of who I am. When I lost my job and gyms were closed it was devastating. I lost all sense of structure and purpose in my life. I went through a very dark time,” Maria explained.
Maria says she worked out at home but it just wasn’t the same. She thrives on having other people around who are in the same mindset and who cheer her on. She was among the first in the door at the Goodlife Markham Bullock McCowan Women’s Club when it first reopened that summer but says she hit a wall when gyms closed again later in the year.
“Within the last year, I recovered from knee surgery, split up with my partner, moved in with my parents for a couple of months and was laid off, all alongside the pandemic. I need the gym and the connection with other people for my mental health.”
When her gym re-opened for a few weeks in February with COVID-19 safety rules in place, Maria made a point of getting there every day. She’s working toward a bikini physique competition, but the events keep being cancelled, so instead, she planned a photoshoot.
“Working out is the one thing keeping me focused and motivated at the moment. I believe my commitment to the gym has made me stronger and more resilient, despite all the setbacks.”
With the second year of the pandemic underway, more people like Maria are facing mental health struggles and feeling the effects of heightened stress and more sedentary time. Exercise plays a vital role in managing mental and physical health. For many, opportunities to connect with fitness professionals and work out in their familiar gym community are essential to being happy and healthy. For now, online fitness classes offer some sense of connection and routine. Check out the schedule of classes on the GoodLife Instagram page.