Short for total body resistance exercise, TRX training is a great way to add something new to your fitness routine without compromising intensity or results. Using gravity and bodyweight, TRX suspension trainers can turn every exercise into a challenge for the core. TRX techniques can be incorporated into any workout routine or can stand alone as the basis of a full-body workout.

Using TRX suspension trainers isn’t overly complicated. All you have to do is anchor your TRX straps to a secure place (weight machine, door frame, monkey bars or basketball hoop pole) and use your hands and your feet to grip the straps.

As you complete your workout, your body will lean away from the straps, creating resistance and destabilization. It’s this both the resistance and destabilization that encourages your muscles to rebalance using your midsection and back. The shoulders and hips also fire up to help maintain control throughout the movement, making TRX training a great workout for your entire body. 

Hook your toes through TRX straps so that the tops of your feet are facing the floor. Lift your body slightly off of the ground, repositioning your weight onto the palms of your hands. Keep your arms tight as you slowly bend your elbows to lower your chest between your hands. Push yourself back up to the starting position for one rep.

Chest press
Start facing away from the anchor with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the TRX handles with an overhand grip and extend your arms in front of your body at shoulder height. Lean forward so your body is slightly diagonal before bending your elbows and lowering your chest between your hands. Push yourself back up to the starting position for one rep.

Inverted row
Lie directly under the TRX bands. Bend your knees and plant your feet on the floor. Reach up and grab the TRX handles with your palms facing one another and your arms fully extended. Keeping your arms close to your sides, bend your elbows and pull your torso up towards the TRX handles until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower yourself back down to starting position for one rep.

You can also perform this move with straight legs, heels grounded to the floor and your body at a diagonal.

Standing fallout
Start facing the anchor with your feet shoulder width apart. Begin lowering yourself forward. As you fall forward, reach your arms upward until they’re in line with the rest of your body. Reverse the movement and bring yourself back up to the starting position for one rep.

Glute bridge
Lay on your back with your heels hooked into the TRX cradles. Bring your heels close to your hips until your legs form a 90-degree angle. Extend arms out beside you and lift your hips upward until your upper body is at a diagonal. Lower your hips back down to the starting position for one full rep.

Squat and row
Hold both handles in front of your waist, elbows bent by your sides. Begin to lean back, extending your arms in front of your body at eye level. Lower your body into a squat, using the TRX bands to help you maintain balance. In one fluid movement, push your body back up to the starting position before bending your elbows and bringing your palms to your chest for one full rep.

Crunch and curl
Sit on the floor facing the anchor and grab the TRX band handles with an underhand grip. Lay down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your arms in front of you before engaging your core and bringing your chest upward in a crunch position. As you reach the top of the crunch position, curl your hands toward your shoulders. Lower yourself back to starting position for one full rep.