If you’ve been to your local GoodLife Fitness, you’ll have probably seen a variety of cable machines designed to help you crush your fitness goals.  

Cable machines provide the constant tension required to help fatigue the muscle tissue, resulting increased strength and muscle mass over time. 

If you’re looking to build muscle and strength, try this full-body cable machine workout. 

Cable chest fly (3 sets of 12 to 15 reps)

  • Set both pulleys at (or slightly above) shoulder height and select the desired weight 
  • Grasp both handles with a neutral grip and take a step forward into a split stance 
  • Press the handles forward while flexing the pecs and extending the elbows 
  • Maintain a slight bend in the elbows and move entirely at the shoulder joint 
  • Slowly allow the arms to open and the pectoral muscles to stretch 
  • Flex your pectoral muscles and return to the starting position by slowly bringing the handles together at chest height 
  • Lower the handles back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions 

Cable torso twist (3 sets of 12 to 15 reps)

  • Set the pulley to chest height with a D-handle attachment 
  • Choose a weight that allows a full range of motion without overloading your back 
  • Stand upright facing the cable machine and grasp the handle with both hands while keeping your arms fully extended in front of you 
  • From this position, rotate your torso to one side, keeping your eyes on your hands as you move 
  • Be sure to keep your arms fully extended throughout the entire range of motion 
  • Allow your torso to rotate until just before your hips want to open up, then rotate back to the centre. Alternate sides for one repetition 

Cable single-arm chest press (3 sets of 10 to 12 reps)

  • Set a cable pulley to chest height and attach a stirrup handle 
  • Grab the handle with your right hand and stand with your back to the cable pulley machine 
  • Stagger your feet and hold the handle outside your shoulder joint so that your elbow is back and your hand forms a fist with your knuckles facing forward 
  • Hold your left arm straight out in front your body and make a fist with your left hand. This is your starting position.
  • Push the handle forward and straighten your arm out in front of your body 
  • Simultaneously bring your left arm back (as if you are punching a bag) for one repetition 

Cable single-arm lateral raise (3 sets of 15 to 20 reps)

  • Position a cable at the lowest position possible and attach a single handle 
  • Reach across your body and grab the handle with a neutral grip 
  • Keep your elbow slightly bent, then pull the handle across your body and raise laterally 
  • Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position in a controlled manner 
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions 

Cable squat upright row (3 sets of 10 to 12 reps)

  • Position a cable at the lowest position possible and attach a straight bar 
  • Reach down and grab the handle with a pronated grip and stand up with your arms straight 
  • Sit in a chair position while maintaining a neutral spine 
  • Take a deep breath then pull the handle upward directly up the front of your body  
  • Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position while also maintaining a squat position with the lower body 
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions 

Cable pull through (3 sets of 15 to 20 reps)

  • Set the pulley to the lowest height setting on the cable machine 
  • Face away from the machine and reach between your legs to grab the rope handle with a neutral grip 
  • Take a few steps forward to move the weight off of the weight stack, then stand tall and position your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart  
  • Maintain a slight bend in your knees and keep your shoulders directly over your hips 
  • Your chin should remain tucked and your arms should be slightly bent
  • While maintaining a neutral spine, begin to hinge at your hips until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs 
  • Your knees should remain bent during the backward movement and your shins should remain upright 
  • Your lower arms should be in the middle of your thighs and your upper body should be at a 45-degree angle 
  • At the end of the downward movement, you should feel the weight in your midfoot and heels  
  • While maintaining a neutral spine, push your feet into the floor 
  • As you begin to stand up, squeeze your glutes and allow your hips to travel forward 
  • As your hips move forward, keep your arms long and your spine in a neutral position 
  • Finish the movement by squeezing your glutes for one repetition