Two years ago, I wasn’t working out and taking care of myself. I wasn’t living by the code through which I was raised. I abused alcohol, constantly trying to prove myself on the streets. My path was not good – but that was a whole different me.

In my First Nations culture, the Medicine Wheel is a teaching to live by, representing balance. I really needed to change my habits to achieve that balance. I talked to my elders and they told me to clean up my lifestyle and stop drinking. I concluded that I had to start taking care of myself and once I start taking care of myself, I could start taking care of others.

I immediately changed my diet and incorporated cardio into my routine. Half of my time spent in the gym was cardio and the other half I was doing bodyweight/strength training. With the support of my girlfriend (who was also my first workout partner), I lost 40 pounds in four months. The staff at GoodLife also made it easy once I started showing up to work out. GoodLife provided me with that safe space for me to work out. I became comfortable immediately so I kept going every day and now I am hooked. The gym is like a second home for me. I appreciate what I can do now – I can walk up the stairs and not be out of breath.

I started seeing results within the first two weeks and my friends and family started noticing within the first month and a half. They could see my cheek bones again! I had great support from my girlfriend – she told me not to give up, just keep pushing because this is worth it. If you look at my before pictures, my head was down and my body was slouched. Now I’m happy and have good posture and I’ve put on ten pounds of muscle. I’ve come a long way and I’m proud of myself.

Before I started working out at GoodLife I was drinking and going to parties. I don’t spend as much time going out to the bar with my friends anymore but they are still my friends; and when they saw my results they started coming to GoodLife too! I work out with three of my buddies and we have a little friendly competition going on as well as a total change in lifestyle. This being said, it wasn’t always easy. GoodLife was 70% of my change, the rest was attitude and I had to make sacrifices. I cut a lot of people off. I made time for self-reflection and meditation. These days when we’re not at the gym we’re going out for dinner, playing board games and going to the movies.

I work with high-risk youth in remote communities who live in Third World conditions. These kids really need mentors. I work with them to foster ideas and encourage them that they can be a leader someday, they just have to keep their fire. Their spirit and intentions are good and I want to prove to them that they can do it because anyone can. Without GoodLife I wouldn’t be the confident person that I am today to help them. I am feeling great about my body and my spirit feels good, so my mind feels good. It has all balanced out.

I feel healthy, confident and strong. I am worth something and I am somebody. You are worth something and are special to someone. People love you. Don’t give up on yourself. Go to GoodLife. You need it more than you know.