So you’re planning to have a night out.

If anything is getting in the way of your excitement, it’s probably the worry about the impending hangover that will likely cloud your morning after.

Though science has yet to pin down exactly what a hangover is and why it’s caused, there are some helpful remedies that you can use before and after your night out to wind up a lot healthier the day after.

Hydrate before and after
This the classic hangover tip. However, a lot of people only associate it with being helpful after the fact.

Though drinking water won’t lessen the alcohol in your system, it can help slow the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol if you alternate your cocktails with water. Also, alcohol is a diuretic. This means it can make you urinate more than usual, which will cause dehydration.

So, throw a few glasses of water back before bed and refill that glass so it’s ready to go the next morning.

Sleep in
If you’re able to rest the next day, do so.

It sounds obvious, but being able to have a solid rest is what helps your body to regenerate. During this period, your body makes more white blood cells to fight viruses or bacteria and releases hormones that enable tissue growth.

Hit snooze once or twice. Just try not to sleep the day away.

Then, wake up and move gently
Once you’re up, try not to lay around too much – get moving.

You don’t necessarily have to do a full workout (especially if you’re feeling nauseous – this could make it worse), but you should try to get the circulation going. Even something like walking around the house making breakfast or taking a shower will help kick-start your body’s refresh.

The point is not to stay hibernated all day – this could actually worsen your symptoms by letting them fester without addressing them.

Refuel with the right foods
Skip the greasy diner and instead refuel yourself with clean foods.

The fatigue and headaches usually associated with a hangover can be because your body doesn’t have enough fuel to keep moving at its typical pace. It might not sound as appealing as the super breakfast special, but choosing the right combination of  foods can help ease your symptoms and help you feel better, faster. Not to mention, it’ll be easier on your stomach.

Carbohydrates can help push your blood sugar levels closer to their normal range. A smoothie with ingredients like apple, celery, ginger, kale or spinach boost the body with helpful anti-inflammatories, antihistamines and antioxidant properties.

Replenish your nutrients
When you drink, your body’s electrolyte levels become imbalanced, which contributes to the dehydration symptoms.

So, try replenishing your stores with electrolyte-rich beverages that can help your body make up for some lost nutrients like calcium or potassium. The main caution here, however, is to choose your electrolytes carefully; the sports drinks that contain them often also include a lot of sugar. In this case, just monitor your portions.

All said, you know what they say: prevention is sometimes the best medicine. It’s okay to enjoy a few drinks, but be sure to understand your limits.