The countdown to summer is on, and if you want to tone up and slim down in time for  bathing suit season, here’s what you need to know. . By following this simple meal plan, staying hydrated and working out regularly, you’ll soon feel better physically, mentally and emotionally -- and after 8 weeks, be summertime fit.  


Choosing the right food, knowing how to prepare it and when to eat it can seem complicated. At GoodLife, we’ve done the research for you and have developed an easy-to-follow eating program to help you reach your goals.

The meal plan includes three meals plus one snack per day. The plans are based on approximately 1500-1700 daily calories for women and 1800-2000  for men. But it’s always important to listen to your body. If you’re feeling extra hungry, eat more! Just remember to reach for protein first. If you find you can’t beat the hunger pangs,  i’s possible that you’re not eating enough protein, so adjust your meals to include more.

Approximate calories per meal:

  • Breakfast: 400-500 calories
  • Lunch: 500-600 calories
  • Dinner: 500-600 calories
  • Snack: 200-500 calories

Quick tips:

  • Double-up on recipes the first time you prepare your meals, and freeze or refrigerate the leftovers.
  • You may find it more convenient to set aside time on the weekends to prepare all the meals for the following week.
  • Remember to eat when you’re actually hungry!
  • Eat until you’re 80% full, this means you should‘nt finish a meal feeling stuffed.
  • Eat slowly. Rushing while you eat discourages proper digestion, and can also lead to eating more than your body needs.

Meal components

Approximately 40% of your calories should come from starches or complex carbohydrates like vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. 30% should be from quality proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, and dairy products.  The last 30% should consist of healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, and some added fats for flavour and texture.  

  • 40% of calories from CARBOHYDRATES
  • 30% of calories from PROTEINS
  • 30% of calories from FATS

To learn more about macro and micronutrients, check out the nutrient and macro cheat sheet.  

Nutrient timing

Nutrient timing simply means eating specific macronutrients at specific times in the day. Ideally, the meals that are more carb-heavy are eaten closer to your workout times to help fuel your body and recover afterward.

Eating a good source of protein at every meal is key to ensuring effective muscle repair and appetite satiety.


It is recommended that you drink a minimum of eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day, for a total of 64-ounces.  To make it a little easier, try to drink a glass just before each meal, sip throughout the day, and have additional water during your workouts.

If you find yourself tiring of plain water, try any of these delicious water booster recipes to spice it up.

Sample meal plan


If you're looking to tone up and increase your overall fitness level, this 8-week plan is perfect for you. The first 4-weeks will be spent building muscle by utilizing compound movements and hypertrophy-style training techniques. While the final 4-weeks will build on that with a bit more added cardio to have you feeling your best for summer.