Practice positive affirmation
A daily reminder to yourself that you are capable, talented and important can go a long way towards changing your state of mind. There are all kinds of tools to help you with this daily ritual, from printed calendars to apps and even Twitter accounts.
Visualize a positive outcome
You have a big project ahead of you and you’re scared that you won’t be able to get it done: it’s a relatable situation we’ve all found ourselves in. Next time you're going through something like this, imagine yourself at the deadline with a successful project behind you. If you believe you will succeed and you can imagine it to be true, you’re on your way there.
Practice mindfulness
Being mindful of yourself and your body is a great way to drown out all the negative and focus on the positives in the now. Yoga can be extremely helpful in becoming present.
Avoid dwelling
If you spend your time in a tough situation drowning in negative feelings you will prolong that feeling. This can prevent you from moving past it to get through the situation productively.
Surround-yourself with positive people
Surrounding yourself with positive people can and will affect your own mood. Finding inspiration and support from others who are like-minded will help you achieve more.
Consume positive media
The same goes for the media—news, websites, even movies and TV shows. Avoiding a negative frame of mind and supporting a positive one is affected by the external forces we choose to listen to.
Avoid negative nostalgia
Your memories can be a negative influence when faced with a challenging situation. Don’t let memories of the past trick you into thinking things were so much better before: our rose-tinted view of the past is often misleading and can make us feel worse about the present.
Enjoy positive nostalgia
Of course, your memories can also be a source of inspiration. If you’re faced with a challenge that you’ve faced before, allow yourself to remember how you've succeeded in the past. This will help you with visualizing a positive outcome.
Be grateful
As you're taking count of your positive experiences, be sure to be grateful, too. All of us are given opportunities, experiences, and connections that we should be grateful for, and taking inventory of those things can help provide much-needed perspective.
Celebrate your body
Above all else, celebrate your body. Take yourself out for a great meal and go for a big walk or run to give your body the chance to provide you with a hit of energy. Light exercise can radically improve your outlook on life.
When we’re positive, we reduce our overall stress levels. Exercise can have a big impact on our well-being as we succeed in overcoming the challenges we face.