Cassandra Chin
— Level 5 Personal Trainer, Fascial Stretch Therapist

Cassandra Chin is a Level 5 Personal Trainer and fascial stretch therapist with GoodLife Fitness. She is a powerlifter, weightlifter and triathlete who constantly has her nose in a book learning new things. Cassandra has always been involved in fitness, from multiple sports as a child to teaching martial arts for over a decade. Her main focus is to empower Members on the gym floor to move pain free and to think of their long-term health and fitness – it's not always about hitting new personal records or lifting heavier. Cassandra is the co-founder of Bars & Belles which was created to empower more female Personal Trainers to develop successful businesses and help women gain confidence on the gym floor. She believes education is key to building confidence and bringing more females into the weight room.