If you’re heading back to the gym and don’t know where to start, you aren’t alone. The best way to get back into shape is to have a goal in mind and a set workout plan to help you achieve it.
Try this ultimate fat burning workout to torch fat and strengthen and tone your entire body.
Perform 3 trisets of moves 1, 2 and 3 before moving onto the next portion of the workout
Trap bar deadlifts – 8 reps
- Begin standing inside a loaded trap bar with your feet hip-width apart
- While maintain an upright position, reach down with both hands and grab the trap bar
- Take a deep breath, brace your core and push your legs into the floor as you stand up
- Push your hips slightly back, then bent at the knee and lower the bar downward while keeping your back in an upright position
- Once the bar touches the floor, begin driving through your legs again to move the weight back to a standing position

Incline push-ups – 12 reps
- Begin standing in front of a box or a bench
- Place both hands slightly wider than your shoulder-width apart on a bench or box
- Step your legs back into a plank position keeping your body in a straight line and your head aligned with your spine
- Bend your arms to slowly lower yourself down towards the box or bench
- Once you are an inch or so above the bench, extend your arms and press yourself back to the starting position for one rep

Farmer’s carry with a dumbbell – 45 seconds
- Place a dumbbell on the outside of each of your feet
- Squat down and grab each weight with a neutral, palms-in grip
- Brace your core and keep your chest upright as you stand
- Walk forward while keeping your core engaged to prevent the your hips shifting from side-to-side
- After you’ve walked the designated distance or amount of time, squat down to place the weight back on the floor on the outside of each of your feet
- Rest for 90 seconds

Perform 3 trisets of moves 4, 5 and 6 before moving onto the next portion of the workout
Dumbbell thrusters – 10 reps
- Begin standing upright with your feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand
- Bend your elbows and hold your dumbbells out in front of your body
- Bend at the hips and knees to lower yourself into a squat position
- Pause briefly at the bottom of this movement before driving through your heels and propelling yourself upward
- As your legs straighten, simultaneously push your arms up overhead
- Pause briefly before lowering the weight back to the starting position for one rep

TRX rows – 15 reps
- Grab both handles and slowly lean backwards until the ropes are taught
- Let your arms extend fully to lower your body further down
- Be sure to keep your palms facing each other as you maintain a straight body and engage your core
- Bend your elbows and pull your chest towards the TRX handles as your squeeze your shoulder blades together
- Hold briefly at the top of this position before slowly lowering yourself back down to the starting position for one rep

Medicine ball slams – 15 reps
- Being standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent, holding a medicine ball with both hands
- Contract your core and drop your hips down
- In one movement, press through your heels and extend your legs while simultaneously lifting the medicine ball overhead
- Contract your core and slam the ball on the ground in front of your body
- Squat down to pick it up and repeat the movement for one minute
- Rest for 60 seconds

Perform 3 trisets of moves 7, 8 and 9
Reverse lunges with dumbbells – 10 reps
- Begin standing upright holding two dumbbells at your sides
- While keeping your torso upright and balanced, step your right leg backward and lower your body into a lunge position
- Pause briefly before pushing through your heel on your front leg to move upward into the starting position for one rep
- Repeat on the opposite side

Front squats with kettlebells – 10 reps
- Begin by cleaning both kettlebells into the front rack position
- Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointed outward
- Bend your hips and knees before lowering your body slightly below 90 degrees
- As you descend, remember to keep your arms close to the sides of your chest and elbows pointed down
- Pause at the bottom of your squat before driving through your heels, legs and glutes to bring your body back to the starting position for one rep

Kettlebell swings – 25 reps
- Start by standing tall, gripping the kettlebell loosely with long arms
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together and engage your core before softening your knees and hinging at the hips, all while maintaining a neutral spine
- Shift your bodyweight into the heels and glutes before pushing through your heels and thrusting forward with the hips to swing the kettlebell upward from your quads
- Contract your core, snap at your hips your and squeeze your glutes to bring the kettlebell to chest height
- Shift your weight back into your heels as you let the kettlebell descend naturally in a pendulum motion, landing slightly behind your body
- Ready your body for the next rep by allowing the kettlebell to fall back in between the legs, hinging at the hips and loading both the hamstrings and the glutes with weight
- Rest for 60 seconds