Getting in a full-body workout can seem difficult if you have limited weight and equipment. The good news is that you can crack out a killer full-body workout with just one piece of equipment.

Try this simple, yet effective full-body workout that uses only a dumbbell and see results fast.

Perform 3 supersets of move 1 and move 2 before moving onto the next portion of the workout

Single leg Romanian deadlifts with dumbbells – 12 reps at a 3-1-2-0 tempo

  • Begin standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding two dumbbells with both hands
  • Bend at the hips and slowly lower both hands towards the ground while extending your right leg backward
  • Maintain a slight bend in your left leg and stop once you’ve gone as far as your hips will allow you
  • Pause at the bottom of the movement, exhale and return to a standing position for one rep
  • Repeat on the opposite leg

Stationary lunges with dumbbell – 12 reps at a 2-0-2-0 tempo

  • Begin standing upright with your feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Brace your core and shift your weight backwards as you step your right foot behind you
  • Bend your right knee and sink downward until your right thigh is parallel to the ground
  • Pause briefly before pressing into your right heel and propelling yourself back to the starting position for one rep
  • Complete the movement on the opposite leg
  • Rest for 60 seconds 

Goblet squats – 4 sets of 10 reps at a 4-0-2-0 tempo

  • Grab a dumbbell with both hands and hold it chest height
  • Stand with your toes angled outward and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Bend at your hips and knees as you lower your body as close to the ground as possible, keeping your arms at your chest and elbows pointed down
  • Pause at the bottom of your squat, drive through your glutes and legs to stand back up
  • Remember to brace your core through the entire movement
  • Rest for 60 seconds 

Perform 3 supersets of move 4 and move 5 before moving onto the next portion of the workout

Dumbbell floor presses – 12 reps at a 3-1-2-0 tempo

  • Begin laying on your back on a yoga mat holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Bend your knees and plant the soles of your feet on the yoga mat directly below your glutes
  • Engage your core, and turn your palms inward before extending both arms and simultaneously pressing the dumbbells upward
  • Pause briefly before bending your elbows and lowering the weights back down to the starting position for one rep

Dumbbell bent over rows – 12 reps at a 3-0-2-1 tempo

  • Begin standing upright with your feet hip-width apart
  • Bend your knees slightly before hinging at your hips and bringing your torso almost parallel to the ground
  • Keep your back straight while holding a dumbbell in each hand
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades before pulling both arms back into a rowing position
  • Slowly release your arms back down to starting position and repeat for the designated amount of reps
  • Repeat the movement on the opposite arm
  • Rest for 60 seconds 

Perform 3 supersets of move 6 and move 7

Dumbbell skull crushers – 15 reps at a 2-0-2-0 tempo

  • Lay down on a sturdy bench set to an incline holding a dumbbell in line with your armpits, palms facing one another and feet flat on the floor
  • Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbell towards the sides of your head
  • Extend the dumbbell upward on an angle to reverse the movement and pause for a moment before returning to the starting position with palms beside your ears for one rep

Dumbbell hammer curls – 10 reps at a 2-1-2-1 tempo

  • Begin sitting on an inclined bench with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the floor
  • Hold lightly weighted dumbbells in both hands, forearms pointed upwards, elbows bent and wrists turned inward
  • Without moving your biceps, extend your elbows and lift your hands and forearms upward
  • Your wrist should remain turned inward towards your torso throughout the duration of this movement
  • Pause briefly at the top of this movement before lowering the weight back to the starting position for one rep
  • Rest for 60 seconds