If you’ve been going to the gym (or at least looking into it) you may have heard or seen the term “muscle hypertrophy” mentioned. If this is a new term for you, then this is the article for you. We’ve broken it down so you’ll know what it is and get some insight to how your body grows muscle.

What is it?
Pronounced hi-PUR-trophy, muscle hypertrophy is the technical term for muscle growth, which is the development of mass, density, shape and function of muscle cells. Hypertrophy is often referred to by two types; myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic. Myofibrillar is the increase in protein in muscle cell, and sarcoplasmic is the increase in the volume of fluid in the muscle.

Contributing factors
Everyone will experience different results based on the genetic makeup of their muscles, environmental factors, hormonal factors and diet, but overall muscle growth seems to occur best when training with higher volumes (relatively speaking), close to muscle fatigue, and with shorter rest periods between each set.

Diet plays a key role, since part of the process is making sure your body is able to feed the growing muscles you need an excess of calories consumed vs. your caloric daily need. The best way to increase muscle hypertrophy is to ensure your pre and post workout nutrition is on point. Plus, fueling your body with the best choices throughout the day will help ensure muscle growth. Your choices should include lean cuts of protein like fish or chicken breast plus proper essential fats. 

Effective exercises
Ultimately your results will depend on how disciplined you are to your plan. Proper progressions of your work outs and consistency are the keys that will lead you to the results you are looking for in the gym.