Spring is a time to reset and build back energy after the colder, darker months of winter. This 7-posture sequence will move through standing twists to detoxify and cleanse, as well as yin and restorative postures to help ground and center as the new season unfolds.
- Begin in a child’s pose and from a kneeling position, bring the big toes together and separate the knees wider than the torso
- Fold forward from the crease of the hips, placing your forehead on the floor and your arms by your sides or extended forward with your palms facing down
- Close your eyes and breathe into the low back and belly
- Rise to all fours, tuck your toes and press back to a downward-facing dog
- From this position step the right foot forward and lower the left knee down to the mat, sliding it behind the hip
- If the posture feels steady, sweep your arms overhead, bringing your biceps toward your ears as you reach
- Hold this position for 5-8 breaths before placing your hands back to down dog. Repeat on the opposite side
- From down dog, step the left foot forward and step the right foot in slightly, straighten both legs and fold forward
- On an inhale, lift halfway with a flat back, gazing forward and float the hands to the hips
- Pause on exhale and feel the lift of the belly
- On the inhale, lift both the torso and the right arm to the sky
- On the exhale, lean out halfway, extending the right arm forward to the top of the mat and begin to twist toward the front thigh while maintaining length in the spine
- Place the right hand to the outside edge of the left foot and reach the left arm toward the sky
- From twisting triangle, fold over the front leg placing both hands onto the floor or two blocks
- Shift your weight forward onto your front left foot and lift your back left leg off the ground parallel to the floor
- Place your right fingertips on the mat directly under the right shoulder and rotate the chest toward the left as the left fingertips reach for the sky
- Flex the foot of the lifted leg and point the toes toward the mat and draw the shoulder blades away from the ears and lengthen the neck
- Take 5-8 deep breaths before slowly lowering the right leg into down dog. Repeat on the right side and finish in a child’s pose for the next pose
- From child’s pose, rise to all fours, cross the ankles behind you and roll onto the sitting bones
- Cross the right shin in front of the left for Sukhasana, sitting on a block or the edge of a folded blanket or mat for support
- Place the left hand directly behind the sacrum and lengthen the spine
- Place the right hand on the left knee and roll the shoulders back and down and draw the right hip back so both hips point forward
- Shift your gaze over either shoulder, keeping your chin parallel to the floor
- Take 8-10 breaths here and change the crossing of the legs, and repeat on the second side
- Starting from a seated twist, slowly unfold your legs and extend them straight out in front
- On an inhale, sweep your arms overhead as you draw the shoulders down and back
- On the exhale, fold forward from the crease of the hips and grasp the outside edges of your feet
- As the feet flex, draw the pinky toe side of the foot toward the face as the inner arch of the foot presses slightly forward
- Draw the heart forward and elongate the spine and bow the forehead down, hold for 8-10 breaths
- Slowly unfold from the paschimottanasana and fully lie on your back, letting the arms and legs drop open
- Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths through your nose, allowing your body to completely relax into the floor
- Scan the body from head to toe consciously looking for and releasing any tension
- Release all control of the breath, the mind and the body and let your body move deeper into a state of relaxation
- Stay here for 5-15 minutes
- When you’re ready, slowly wiggle your fingers and toes, reach the arms over your head and stretch the whole body, exhale and bend the knees into the chest into a fetal position
- When you’re ready, slowly inhale up to a seated position