One of the best ways to boost your overall level of fitness is to increase your agility and speed.

You don’t need a complicated routine boost your level of overall athleticism. Simply add this workout into your routine and you’ll begin to see improvements in no time.

Complete 4 supersets of squat jumps and clapping push-ups

Squat jumps – 5 reps

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Push your hips backward and drop into a regular squat
  • Once you are at the bottom of this movement, jump upward, lifting your arms overhead of your body
  • Land softly in a low squat position for one rep

Clapping push-ups – 3 reps

  • Begin in a plank position with your hands stacked under your shoulders, your legs extended behind your body and your core engaged
  • Bend your elbows and lower your entire body to the floor
  • Once you are at the bottom of this movement, swiftly push through your palms to create enough momentum to propel your chest upwards and lift your body off the floor
  • Clap your hands together quickly before returning your palms to the floor underneath your shoulders for one rep

Complete 4 supersets of band resisted push-ups and 5-count eccentric split squats

Band resisted push-ups – 3 reps

  • Begin by hooking your thumbs through a resistance band and looping the band behind your back
  • Plant your palms on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width apart and assume the plank position
  • Keep your core engaged, your back straight and your neck and head in a neutral position
  • Bend your elbows and lower your chest downward
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of this movement before pushing through your arms to raise your chest back up to the starting position for one rep

5-count eccentric split squats – 10 reps

  • Place your hands on your hips and step one foot forward as wide as possible, while keeping both heels on the ground and your toes pointing forward
  • Maintain an upright torso as you bend both knees, shifting your weight into your front foot allowing your back heel to come off the ground
  • Continue to lower yourself downward until your back shin and front thigh are parallel to the floor
  • Pulse up and down in the position for five reps before lifting yourself back to the starting position
  • Rotate your legs and repeat this movement on the opposite side

Complete 3 supersets of close grip push-ups with mechanical drop sets and lateral step-ups

Close grip push-ups with mechanical drop sets – As many reps as possible (AMRAP)

  • Begin in a close grip push up position with your hands closer than shoulder-width apart and your wrists stacked directly under your shoulders
  • Engage your core, straighten your arms and push your chest upwards
  • Bend your arms and release your chest back down to the starting position for one rep
  • Move your hands shoulder-width apart and complete another full push-up
  • Move your hands wider than shoulder-width apart and complete another full push-up for one rep

Lateral step-ups – 30 second intervals

  • Find a box or bench that when you place your foot on it, your knee bends 90 degrees
  • Place your entire right foot securely on the box or bench, press through your heel and step up on the box
  • Bend the right knee and slowly and steadily return to the starting position for one rep

Complete 3 supersets of front plank with rows and side plank with rotations

Front plank with rows – 10 reps

  • Loop a resistance band securely around a pole
  • Begin in a plank position with your back straight and your hands stacked directly under your shoulders
  • Grab the resistance band with your right hand and bend your elbow to pull the band taught until your bicep and forearm form a 90-degree angle
  • Pause briefly before extending your arm and releasing the tension in the band
  • Repeat for a designated amount of reps before completing the exercise on the opposite arm

Side plank with rotations – 10 reps per side

  • Begin by laying down on your left side with your feet stacked on top of one another
  • Prop yourself up on your left forearm and raise your hips up off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders
  • Reach your right hand under your hips and twist until your chest becomes parallel to the floor
  • Pause briefly before twisting back to the starting position for one rep