Box jumps
Box Jumps are a great plyometric exercise that builds explosive power and trains your body to be more athletic.
To do a box jump, you will need a stable surface—preferably a plyometric box between 12-36 inches, depending on your abilities. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and at a comfortable distance from the box. Drop into a quarter squat, then extend your hips, swing your arms and push your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box. Don’t try to “stick” the landing, instead imagine the way a cat jumps – gracefully and softly.
Sets: 5
Reps: 2 Rest as needed
Battle ropes
Battle ropes offer full body strength training as well as a killer cardio workout. What makes using the battle ropes so challenging? Battle ropes create tension from angles that are harder to achieve with basic weight training.
- The wave is the most common battle rope swing. You can achieve the wave by alternating pumping your arms up and down to create a wave.
- To increase intensity, try slamming the ropes. Lift both ropes overhead and then slam the rope with full force to the ground.
- To up your intensity even more try a burpee slam: alternate double row slams with burpees.
Try pumping the battle ropes for 30 seconds at a time and work to increase your time.
Sled training
Sled training builds lower body strength, endurance and athleticism. It is a simple exercise to do but it will work you hard.
Load up the sled with a weight that is challenging but will let you sprint. Push the sled while sprinting the entire time. Reverse course and do another sprint with the sled. Do 10 reps, resting as needed in between reps. You can add variations by pushing more explosively for shorter periods of time or pushing at a steady pace for longer intervals.