We all begin a fitness routine with great intentions, but it’s not uncommon for motivation to start fading after a few months.
If you began exercising in early September, chances are the winter doldrums may arrive around November. You might also be getting distracted by the upcoming holiday season and a to-do list that's getting long.
Here are some ways to get out of a routine rut.
Remember when you set your goals? Were they realistic? Often people start routines that are too advanced, too complicated or they’re doing too much too soon and not seeing results.
One of the best ways to stay on track is to keep a daily log of your fitness routine. Write down the exercises you did, the weight you used, the number of repetitions and how many sets you did for each one.
This record can provide an incentive to challenge yourself and lets you see your progress and the little wins.
Change your tune
Music has a big effect on our mood and what you listen to can add more fun to your workout time. Change your playlist and add something new that’s uplifting and energizing.
Make some modifications
Boredom can set in for any routine if we’re not changing things up, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to toss out your current workout. Try some modifications first.
It can be as simple as changing the amount of weight you’re using or the number of repetitions. You can also adjust the tempo, so instead of moving the weight quickly, maybe you count to two or four.
Try altering an exercise. For example, if you’re doing a squat or leg press, change your foot position to a wider or narrower stance or adjust where you're gripping the bar. There are a lot of variations for those basic movements.
Doing these modifications shocks your body and stimulates change by requiring the body to get stronger in those movements.
Focus on phases
If you feel it’s time to change your routine, try breaking it up into different training phases of four to six weeks each.
One phase could focus on exercises that add muscle mass, another that builds strength and another one keying on getting your heart rate up.
Team camaraderie
Mixing some small group classes into your routine adds variety and helps keep boredom at bay.
For example, TRX team training is challenging and fun, with that one piece of equipment easily adaptable for anyone’s level of fitness.
GoodLife coaches also put together group classes combining a range of exercises using equipment such as kettle bells, battle ropes and medicine balls. Some gyms have a turf area for different agility workouts.
Training with others gives you a sense of community with a team that can cheer you on and make you accountable for showing up.
Limber up
Some people may not view yoga as exercising, but the benefits it provides has a ripple effect to your workout routine.
Yoga boosts flexibility, mobility and strength because you have to hold poses. Mastering those skills will help you perform your regular exercises.
Connect with a pro
Hiring a Personal Trainer is the optimal way to avoid getting into a routine rut. Trainers provide a disciplined routine and, most importantly, external accountability.
The focus isn’t on a flashy, quick-fix program. A Personal Trainer often maps things out for a full year and guides you, so your body is always seeing progress.
Bring a friend
Most people enjoy working out with someone, but not always in a group setting. Find a friend to go to the gym with you and you might be surprised how that person can give you moral support.
Have the right mindset
The key to becoming fit is understanding that you’re making a lifestyle decision and lifestyle change.
Sure, you might want to lose 20 pounds, but if you obsess about that and view it as a finish line, you won’t truly adopt a lifestyle change after you reach that goal.
It’s also about enjoying the journey, so be kind to yourself.