
Getting back to routine - what to do after a gym hiatus

If you've been on a hiatus from the gym you can come back better than ever, stronger than ever and fitter than ever
2 min
After having some time off from your regular routine you don’t want to do too much too soon. The thought of sweating it out and sore muscles may seem daunting – but don’t shy away from the challenge.

To set yourself up for success, follow these tips when getting back into your fitness routine:

Don’t demand too much from your body
Start slow and ease your way into a routine. Doing too much too soon can overwhelm you mentally and physically you can risk injury or extreme muscle soreness. Start with low-intensity workouts once or twice a week and increase the intensity, duration and number of workouts per week as you go.

Make yourself accountable
Finding motivation after time off from your regular routine can be a struggle. External accountability is a great way to stay on track. Consider joining a team training camp, working with a personal trainer or finding a workout buddy. You’re more likely to show up for your workout when someone else is expecting you.

Research shows working out with a personal trainer or taking part in team training will help you see results 2-3 times more quickly than working out on your own. Exercising with a group helps build community at the gym and offers positive reinforcement.

Set goals
Set S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-sensitive) goals for yourself based on your personal fitness level. For example, aim to complete three one hour workouts a week including one strength training, one cardio and one flexibility.

As you achieve your goals, you’ll start to have more energy, feel stronger and healthier and will crave more. If you miss a workout or two, don’t beat yourself up. Commit to your next session and get back on track.

Stick to a schedule
As you’re planning meetings, school schedules, social and extra-curricular activities, be sure to build regular workouts into your calendar. Setting up appointments and tracking your activity will help you see results sooner and encourage you to stick with your routine.

Take a rest day
Recovery is part of a successful workout routine. Rest days are used to repair and replenish your body after working hard. They are necessary for your long-term goals and overall wellness, and another reason why you don’t want to jump into an intensive seven-day-a-week routine.

It’s OK to feel overwhelmed at times. Establishing a routine takes work and can be a challenge, but just remember, you got this!

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