Strengthening your arms can help elevate your workout routine and overall level of fitness.

Try this advanced arm workout and strengthen and tone your arms.

If you’re having trouble understanding how to incorporate tempo into your routine, click here.

Perform 3 supersets of exercise 1 and 2 before moving onto the next superset

Dumbbell alternating curls – 10 to 12 reps at a 3-0-2-1 tempo

  • Begin standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Hold a lightly weighted dumbbell in each hand, arms extended at your sides
  • Keep your ribs down to engage your core
  • Bend your left elbow and lift the dumbbell up towards your chest
  • Pause briefly before releasing the dumbbell back to the starting position in a controlled manner
  • Repeat on the opposite arm for one rep

Overhead tricep extensions – 10 to 12 reps at a 2-1-2-1 tempo

  • Begin standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands in between your thumb and index fingers
  • Extend your arms overhead with your palms facing upward and engage your core before slowly lowering the dumbbell towards your shoulder blades
  • Pause at the bottom of this movement before extending your arms and raising the dumbbells back up to the starting position for one rep
  • Rest for 45 seconds 

Perform 4 sets of exercise 3 and 4 before moving onto the next superset

Low cable bicep curls – 8 to 10 reps at a 4-0-2-1 tempo

  • Attach a bar handle to the cable machine
  • Stand facing the cable machine, with your feet about an inch from the machine and your knees slightly bent
  • Grip the handle with both hands, arms extended by your sides
  • Slowly bend your elbows, bringing the handle a few inches from your chest
  • Pause briefly at the top of this movement before straightening your arms to bring the handle back down to the starting position for one rep

Crossed tricep extensions – 15 reps at a 2-0-2-1 tempo

  • Begin standing in front of a cable machine with two handle attachments set to a reasonable weight
  • Reach over to grab the left handle with your right hand and the right handle with your left hand so that both hands are resting in front of your chest
  • Brace your core and bend you knees slightly before simultaneously extending both hands down and back
  • Hold briefly before slowly bending your elbows and releasing the weight downward until both hands are in front of your chest again for one rep
  • Rest for 60 seconds 

Perform 3 supersets of exercise 5 and 6 

Dumbbell hammer curls – 6 to 8 reps at a 3-0-2-0 tempo

  • Begin standing with a dumbbell in both hands and your shoulders, back and core engaged
  • Keep your palms facing towards your torso and slowly curl your arms upward simultaneously
  • Pause briefly at the top of this movement before lowering the weight back to the starting position for one rep

Narrow push-ups – AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

  • Position your hands less than shoulder-width apart on a mat
  • Extend your arms and keep your body straight from head to toe
  • Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the mat, holding briefly at the lowest position before pushing yourself back up to the starting position for one rep
  • Rest for 45 seconds