What time is the best time to workout? Research tells us that you will benefit no matter what time of day you workout but you can get some unexpected benefits if you do it in the morning.

Here are 5 reasons for working out in the a.m. even when you’re tempted to hit the snooze button.

You’ll be less likely to skip your workout
There are fewer excuses to skip your morning workout. While end of day workouts can be disrupted by staying late at work, after-work errands, unexpected plans or an end of day lack of motivation, there is less to distract you in the early morning. You’ll be more consistent in your workouts and more likely to make exercise a regular habit.

You’ll get better sleep
The National Sleep Foundation found that working out in the morning helps you with deeper sleep at night. Working out helps you fall and stay asleep easier. It also improves the quality of your sleep because it increases the amount of time you spend in the deepest part of your slumber.

You’ll enhance your metabolism
You get benefits from exercising long after you've finished at the gym. One of those things in a boosted metabolism. Your metabolism includes all of the things that your body does to turn food into energy. Things you can’t control like age, sex or genes affect how fast or slow you metabolize. While exercising any time during the day will boost your metabolism, a morning workout will help you burn calories all day long.

You’ll burn more fat
While there are differing opinions on whether you should workout on an empty stomach, research shows you can burn up to 20 percent more body fat by exercising on an empty stomach. You will be burning calories from your fat storage as fuel and how much fat you burn depends on the amount of food you have eaten and how hard you workout. However, if you’re planning an intense workout, eat some carbs beforehand so that your blood sugar levels don’t drop too low and cause nausea or dizziness.

You’ll be more productive at work
Exercise releases endorphins that improve your mood and energy levels. If you work out in the morning you can reap the benefits well into the afternoon. Exercise also increases the blood flow to your brain which can make you more aware and more focused on the task at hand. Even a moderate workout will boost your energy.