High intensity interval training (HIIT) is an efficient way to burn calories, tone muscle and improve your level of overall fitness.
There are many ways to incorporate HIIT training into your fitness routine, making it a flexible way to spice up your workouts without compromising intensity. Try this complete HIIT training for a great workout in under 30 minutes.
Do 8 sets of each exercise for 20 seconds per set. Rest for 10 seconds between each set and for 90 seconds after you finish each exercise.
Step forward lunges
- Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart
- Take a step forward with your left leg and plant your foot flat on the floor in front of your body
- Drop your hips down and bend your left leg until your front knee is in alignment with your toes
- Pause briefly before driving through your left foot to propel your back foot forward, returning to the starting position for one rep
- Reverse the movement and step forward with the right foot for the second rep

Staggered hands push-ups
- Begin in a push-up position with your toes planted firmly into the floor, your core engaged and your body forming a straight line from your head to your toes
- Be sure to keep your neck in a neutral position and stagger your hands so that your left palm is stacked under your left shoulder and your right is planted slightly in front of your right shoulder
- Bend your elbow to lower your body downward
- Pause briefly at the bottom of this movement before straightening your arms and pressing yourself back up to the starting position for one rep
- Complete the designated amount of reps before switching your hands, placing your right hand under your right shoulder and your left hand slightly in front of your left shoulder

B-stance squats
- Begin in a standing position with your feet slightly-wider than hip-width apart
- Step your left foot forward slightly and maintain an upright torso as you drop your hips down into a squat position
- Pause at the bottom of this movement before pressing through your feet to drive yourself up to the starting position for one rep
- Repeat for the desired amount of reps before reversing the movement and completing the exercise with the right foot stepped out slightly in front of the body

Plank up downs
- Begin in a high plank position with your palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart and your wrists stacked below your shoulders
- Extend your legs behind your body approximately hip-width apart
- Lower your left arm down to the floor and place your left forearm on the floor
- Lower your right arm to the floor and place your right forearm on the floor
- Pause briefly before placing your left hand on the floor and extending your left arm
- Place your right arm on the floor and extend your right arm to return back to the starting position for one rep

Crawl outs
- Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your arms extended at your sides
- Slowly roll your chest forward and down towards the ground, bending at the waist to allow your arms to drape downward towards the floor
- Plant your hands on the floor and walk your upper-half outward until you are in a high plank position with your hands stacked under your shoulders and your legs fully extended
- Pause briefly before walking your hands back into your feet and rolling your chest back up to the starting position for one rep