Walking is a great low-impact exercise that delivers lots of health benefits and can be a great addition to your fitness routine.

Whether you prefer to walk on the treadmill listening to your favourite podcast or you enjoy taking your dog for a walk in the park, taking time to stretch your legs is good for your body and your mind. Just 30 minutes a day can have a tremendous effect on your overall well-being and fitness.

Here are three health benefits of walking:

Eases joint pain and inflammation

Studies have shown that walking reduces arthritis-related pain, and that daily walks can even prevent arthritis from forming in the first place. Walking also protects the joints by lubricating them and strengthening the muscles that support them.

Improves your mood

Studies show that 30 minutes of walking a day can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and reverse a negative mood, especially if the sun is shining. It can also boost self-esteem and reduce symptoms of social withdrawal.

Promotes fat loss

Walking is a type of low-intensity-steady-state (LISS) cardio, which is great for fat loss and can help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Experts recommend 30-45 minutes of daily LISS for best results.

This 28-Day Walking Challenge is a great way to get in your daily step count and take advantage of the warmer weather!

Complete the challenge all at once or break up the minutes throughout your day to work with your schedule.