Before you get busy with the holiday celebrations, try this festive fitness challenge to help keep yourself on track during the most wonderful time of the year. 

Medicine ball slams

  • Begin standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent, holding a medicine ball with both hands at chest level
  • Contract your core and drop your hips down into a squat position
  • In one movement, press through your heels and extend your legs while simultaneously lifting the medicine ball overhead
  • Contract your core and slam the ball on the ground in front of your body
  • Squat down to pick it up and repeat the movement for one minute

Incline push-ups

  • Begin standing in front of a box or a bench
  • Place both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the bench or box
  • Step your legs back into a plank position keeping your body in a straight line and your head aligned with your spine
  • Bend your arms to slowly lower yourself down towards the box or bench
  • Once you are an inch or so above the bench or box, extend your arms and press yourself back to the starting position for one rep

Russian twists

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent towards your chest and your feet slightly lifted off the floor
  • Hold a dumbbell, medicine ball or weight plate (or clasp your hands together) in front of your chest
  • Rotate your arms and torso to one side and pause momentarily before returning to the centre for one rep
  • Repeat on the opposite side