Start your day with water

There’s no better way to wake up than by chugging a tall glass of refreshing water. Make this a daily habit and you will be sure to reap all the benefits! Try adding some fresh lemon juice to your glass, this will help boost your immune system and provides antioxidants.

Make water accessible

The simplest way to ensure you’re drinking enough water is to make sure it’s accessible. Maybe this means you have a filter that’s always full in your fridge, maybe it’s a glass of water on your night stand or maybe it’s a large bottle of water on your desk at work. Whatever the case, the water needs to be available and preferably in your line of sight (so you don’t forget)!

Eat your water

Although it’s important to drink water you can get approximately 20 percent of the recommended daily requirement through food. That’s right, you can eat your water!

Check out this article for five hydrating recipes all containing at least 90 percent water content! Perfect for the dog days of summer.

Infuse your water

Infusing your water is a simple trick that will help you reach your daily water requirement while adding a little flavour to your life. Infusing water with the essence of fruits and herbs not only adds flavour, but it helps you skip the added sugar, artificial additives and calories you’d find in other beverages.

The infusion combos are endless, but try these classic options like cucumber orange, blueberry grapefruit or raspberry mint and lime.

Buy a travel water bottle

This tip goes hand in hand with making your water accessible. You need to be able to bring your water with you no matter where you go. Life gets busy, so make drinking enough water as easy as possible.

Also, consider what type of bottle you’re buying. You want something that works for you. If you often lose things, perhaps a bottle with many moving parts (like straws, lids, etc.) that end up missing probably isn't the right choice for you. You want to make sure it fits in your cup holder and that you actually like it! It sounds simple, but these things can deter you from toting the bottle around with you, so pick one that works for you and your life.